Our Products

Handling Crude Oil

Crude oil is extracted, processed, and distilled to create a variety of products used in transportation and industry.

Crude oil is a truly global good that is traded widely, with transaction prices fluctuating substantially due to dynamically shifting market conditions and pricing factors.

Businesses exposed to the oil markets might get help from Dalamunai, LLP in comprehending the many risk management options.

Handling Fuel Oil

The heavier, higher-sulfur residue left over from the distillation process is known as intermediate or heavy fuel oil, sometimes known as residual fuel oil or bunkers.

It can be used as a propellant on oceangoing vessels provided it is cleaned to comply with environmental laws.

Fuel oil prices fluctuate, just like those of other oil products, and suppliers and consumers may be heavily exposed, necessitating careful risk management.

Handling Aviation Fuel

Helicopters, turboprops, and jet aircraft employ Jet A1, a kerosene-type propellant with specific fuel and engine performance requirements.

The products are traded internationally, and prices are frequently determined by indexes whose values change in response to shifts in the supply and demand balances.

For aviation companies to attain assurance in a dynamic environment, they need to have the correct risk management solutions.

Handling Natural Gas

Natural gas is still widely used today for heating, power generation, and fuel for vehicles.

Because it can be liquified for transportation, LNG, or liquid natural gas, is a word that is frequently used. Global market conditions have an impact on prices, and they are subject to large fluctuations.

Having a partner with expertise and experience in price risk management such as Dalamunai, LLP is beneficial for suppliers, traders, and customers alike.

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